This evening Sean and I are heading off to Bush Gardens to see the fireworks display,
if he has made it off to camp today. I'll hear later on this morning. I hope.
Well, Master Sean isn't coming over tonight. His choice. It just saved me a trip to Williamsburg, although I was sort of looking forward to going. I could go by myself, but then where's the fun in that.
I've really enjoyed getting out of the office this evening, the weather is so pleasant.
Email & Newsletter Gleanings:
Thought For the Day: One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop."
- G. WeilacherMaybe this is the way to teach the 10 Commandments today! Maybe then people would "get it" and it wouldn't be construed as 'religious ed'.
Kentucky Ten CommandmentsSome people in Kentucky have trouble with all those "shalls" and "shall nots" in the Ten Commandments. Folks just aren't used to talking in those terms. So, some folks in Southeastern Kentucky got together and translated the "
King James" into "
Harlan County" language.... no joke, read on...
The Hillbilly's Ten Commandments
(posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Harlan, Ky.)
(1) Just one God
(2) Honor yer Ma & Pa
(3) No tellin' tales or gossipin'
(4) Git yourself to Sunday meetin'
(5) Put nothin' before God
(6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal
(7) No killin'
(8) Watch yer mouth
(9) Don't take what ain't yers
(10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff
Now that's kinda plain an' simple, don't ya think? Y'all have a nice day.
What would you have picked???
A contestant on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" had reached the final plateau. If she answered the next question correctly, she would win $1,000,000. If she answered incorrectly, she would pocket only the $32,000 milestone money. As she suspected it would be, the million-dollar question was no pushover.
It was: Which of the following species of birds does not build its own nest, but instead lays its eggs in the nests of other birds? Is it:
A) the condor;
B) the buzzard;
C) the cuckoo; or
D) the vulture?
The woman was on the spot. She did not know the answer. And, she was doubly on the spot because she had used up her 50/50 Lifeline and her Audience Poll Lifeline. All that remained was her Phone-a-Friend Lifeline, and the woman had hoped against hope that she would not have to use it because the only friend that she knew would be home happened to be a blond.
But the contestant had no alternative. She called her friend and gave her the question and the four choices. The blond responded unhesitatingly: "That's easy. The answer is C: The cuckoo."
The contestant had to make a decision and make it fast.
She considered employing a reverse strategy, giving Regis any answer except the one that her friend had given her. And considering that her friend was a blond, it would seem to be the logical thing to do.
On the other hand --the blond had responded with such confidence, such certitude, that the contestant could not help but be persuaded.
"I need an answer," said Regis.
Crossing her fingers, the contestant said, "C: The cuckoo."
"Is that your final answer?" asked Regis.
"Yes, that is my final answer."
Two seconds later, Regis said, "I regret to inform you that the answer is......absolutely correct. You are now a millionaire!"
A few days later, the contestant hosted a party for her family and friends including the blond who had helped her win the million dollars. "Jenny, I just do not know how to thank you," said the contestant. "Because of your knowing the answer to that final question, I am now a millionaire. And do you want to know something? It was the assuredness with which you answered the question that convinced me to go with your choice. By the did you happen to know the right answer?"
"Oh, come on!" said the blond. "Everybody knows that cuckoos don't build nests. They live in clocks."
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