Saturday, July 14, 2007


What a day!

BUSY! Figuring out the final items needed for book publishing, beyond the take it to the binders and have them bind the stuff together.

I received a surprise phone message this evening, Sean decided to come over and visit for the weekend at 5:15 this evening.

While Dean was in transit to bring Sean over, Walter & I prepared dinner. Grilled corn, peppers, onions and new potatoes. We gave the boys a call to get them to drop by Food Lion to bring us some Italian sausage to go with our veggies.

Dean dropped him off this evening around 7 p.m. and Sean joined in the grilling fun. He and Walter and he played pyro with the grill. They did a great job of cooking together. Everything turned out great! Yum. Delicious fresh veggies.

Thanks Dad - you can really grow some great corn.

We decided during dinner that we all were going to head out to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. We ordered tickets for the 10 p.m. show and sat back until it's time to go. But....we ended up having a great comedy show from Sean. He was doing this thing where he whining and saying
Dahdday...Walter did (whatever); then would pretend he was Walter getting his assignment paper to write, "I must touch Sean."; then give it back to Dad. Once the punishment cycle was complete he started hollering Daddy all over again.
It was a absolute hoot which went on for over 45 minutes - with each punishment escalating in absurdity with the minuteness of the alleged infraction.

We hit the theater and had to wait in a huge line. The real surprise here was that they came down the line telling us that we needed to have id out... Now Harry Potter isn't an R rated movies so this didn't make much sense to me. Turns out that there was a curfew change as of July 1 which makes it illegal for minor 15 and under to be out without a parent or guardian after 10 p.m. Good movie. It wasn't as nearly as dark as the others, but really played well.

We dropped by the WalMart at 12:30 a.m. on the way in and there was strangeness afoot there. There is some weird stuff that goes on there early in the morning. Strange people in the parking lot.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Thought For the Day: When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, one hundred. -
Thomas Jefferson

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