Thursday, March 6, 2008


This morning the Robins are out in full voice. You can even hear them calling from inside the building. Ahh...I just saw a wren hop up on top of the deck support - in a nice dry corner, there could be a nest started there. If so, we can stake it out for photos. Hopefully the birds will not try to get inside the building this year. One slipped in through a crack under the downspout last year and built a nest in the wall near Walter's bed. They got Walter up early with all their hungry chirping.

Sean is off for his new class orientation this morning - I hope that he comes back all excited and ready to begin on Monday morning.

Mom was telling me about a tornado that set down in Big Stone Gap, VA last night. She had heard about it on the WRVA this morning.

The damage is tremendous, made all the more amazing to see. The picture is from an area near the museum.

One of Mom's friends from down that way in Tennessee sent her a number of photos from the area. I've been on this road before myself. I do hope that they are able to get thing back to normal in short order.

Not being sadistic or anything, but isn't it usual for trailers to be involved when a tornado touches down? In all the pictures that I've seen there wasn't a trailer in sight.

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