Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Rainy Day

The backyard is humming with activity this morning - although it is raining the birds are out and about. Mom Cardinal is out with the two little ones having breakfast. Mrs. Woodpecker is working on cleaning out the ant hills in the back of the yard. A big thanks goes out to her for that one. There were several different birds that I am unable to identify yet hanging out also.

I have set up an appointment with the woman in the DAR who will be taking over doing the yearbook and chapter website. She'll be picking up the CD with all the information on it on Friday. I wish her well in the many upcoming battles that she will have and the frustrations that the administration and members will give her when it comes to dealing with both.

Sean completed his final Science class today. That only leaves 2 math class periods to attend and then he is through for the year. My only wish is that someone would hurry up and grade the math work he has turned in thus far.

While Sean is taking his Math class today I am busy working on burning CD's of the 2006 Junior Yankees website for each of the players. They will be distributed to them at the up coming team party.

This afternoon we are running a couple of errands for Walter, since he is out. I got a surprise phone call after I got back from Walter's house. He called to check in since it is also raining to beat the band where he is located. Not having much else to do, he though that he would kill some time with me. He also informs me that he may be going out of town again next week too! He got his apartment just in time to pay rent on a place his furniture gets to hang out.

I am also suppose to attend a short choir practice at 8 p.m. Hopefully Sean will buck up and go with me.

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