Friday, March 16, 2007


It hardly seems like it should be Friday already....I've been so busy I've barely noticed the time go by. I guess that the old saying, 'Time flies when you are having fun' is really true.

I worked late last night, I was working on taping some video segment for Dr. Martin's websites. We were able to get nine takes done. Not too bad for a first effort on my part. I'm sure that it will become easier and easier as the time goes along.

I had a real sense of accomplishment after we go them done. It was a bit scarey in the beginning, a new skill being tried out for the first time. But it went great, no fear of doing it again. It all has to do with the level of comfort with the software and hardware that we are using.

I got off from work at 3:30 this afternoon. Dr. Martin told I could head out - it was really nice of him since we had worked late yesterday doing video segments for the internet. I've put the time home to good use. I've managed to get four loads of laundry done, and the main rooms downstairs vacuumed.

This evening I'm head out with a couple of people from church to pick up materials to use in the construction of the scenery for the production of the Last Supper. It shouldn't take long, but then again...when you get out with Steve & Jamie the fun could go on for awhile.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Thought for the Day: "If you want to enjoy success, fantasize about it. If you want a special love, fantasize about that too. When it comes along you will be more comfortable with it. It won't be a new experience." Madeline Hirschfeld, MD

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