Monday, May 30, 2011

Huguenot Springs Confederate
Cemetery Memorial Day Service

I attended this Memorial Day Service sponsored by the J.E.B. Stuart Camp #1343 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Huguenot Springs Cemetery Foundation.

The day was spent honoring those that are serving, have served and those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

The Keynote Speaker spoke on "The History of Confederate Memorial Day and Recent Research on the Confederate War Dead". The presentation was quite informative and instructional.

The service ended with an Artillery Salute, followed by the playing of taps.

Truly an event to remember.

Event Photos - Black & White
Event Photos - Color

Sunday, May 22, 2011


In response to the prediction that the Rapture was going to occur on Saturday, May 21, 2011.
Oakland minister & radio host, Harold Camping predicted that Judgement Day would be Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 6 p.m. ET.  Obviously this did not occur, millions did not vanish nor were there any reports of anyone vanishing.  I've been attempting to check out his radio website just to see what he had to say, but have not been successful - apparently his site is too busy and unable to handle the load of visitors.

The image above is going around on Facebook in response (photographer/artist unknown).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paranormal Investigator Update

The owner of Ecto XB contacted me shortly after my first post. Turns out there are several videos on YouTube of the lights in action.

Here is the link to the channel where other videos are located.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Paranormal Investigator in Richmond

I could hardly contain my surprise when I was on the way home from work this evening and passed by this vehicle in the parking lot of a local mall. It took me three passes in the parking lot to get just the pictures that I wanted. It made for a great picture of the day.

Who would have thought that there was such a thing here in Richmond. I did do an internet search in hopes of finding out just what the company was that had these vehicles as their 'company' cars, but it was not to be. If anyone finds out I'd love to post a link to their site.
I kept waiting for the lights to start flashing.

It really did make me wonder just which store they were in and if I was going to see someone in the "GhostBusters" jumpsuit running out of the store with a steaming containment unit.