Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Unexpected Development

It was an interesting day. I've been working on magazines and handling customer service issues.

Due to the boss being out of town everyone in the office has been taking a day or two off while he is gone. I hadn't really planned on taking any time off but due to an unexpected development.... So, in lieu of going to work in the morning I'll be taking the day off and heading to Bush Gardens with a Roz and Jamie from work. We're planning on heading out first thing in the morning and I've not a clue what time we are planning on returning home. Hmm...I expect it to be a fun day.

I expect that Thursday will be very busy on my return.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Tiny Cabin In The Woods

A hiker from New York City was hiking through the mountains of Tennessee when he came upon the tiniest cabin he had ever seen in his life. Intrigued, he went up and knocked on the door.

'Anybody home?' he asked.

'Yep,' came a kid's voice through the door.

'Is your father there?' asked the tourist.

'Pa? Nope, he left afore Ma came in,' said the kid.

'Well, is your mother here?'

'No, she left before I got here,' said the kid.

'But,' protested the city slicker, 'are you never together as a family?'

'Sure, but not here,' said the kid through the Door. 'This is the outhouse!'

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