Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Spoke Too Soon

Here I was going on about the lack of humidity, well that was until this afternoon. We had a humdinger of a thunderstorm and then...YUCK! The nastiness was upon us. By late evening it had subsided somewhat, hopefully the next time it rains it will do so long enough to give us a little cooling.

I spent my afternoon at the office quite involved with video files. Two downloads and conversions, a full edit and conversion, audio download & made into an audio cd, a document download and put onto a cd, plus a couple of file transfers. Amazingly all within in about a 2 1/2 hour span of time. I was on a roll. Fun stuff. There is more to do tomorrow the largest time eater will be transcribing some audio.

Walter spent the majority of his birthday with Miss Kelly. Then slept the rest of the day. He's off to work this evening and then really putting in the time tomorrow before he heads off on his birthday/vacation trip.

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