Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weekend Fun

This morning the weather forecast looked ominous. I thought for sure that we were going to float away today with the possibility of loads of rain, far we've only had a brief shower early this morning.

Walt & Kelly have gotten off safely for their mini vacation. I hope the weather cooperates where they are going and that they have a fantastic time.

Bounce and I headed off to his fourth puppy class. He did great today. His lessons were on the commands "Leave It", "Take It", and "Drop It". He caught on to the "Take It" command without any trouble. We're going to have to work on the "Drop It", but he was so sleepy when we got home. I'm not sure whether it was the dramamine or just all the activity.

I FINISHED!!!!! my graphic design certification program this afternoon. I turned in my last photograph and took my final exam. YEAH!! Now I only have 8 more classes to complete for my masters certification in graphic design.

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