Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Boy did my morning start off wrong. The boss was not a happy camper this morning and it showed. Everyone did their best to stay out of the way and keep things on a even keel. I do believe that by the end of the day that things had simmered down.

Walter came by the office around 5:45 p.m. to pick me up to head over to Innsbrook for the CCR concert. I surely didn't think that we were going to make it in time, but luck was with us and we only missed part of the opening band. The crowd grew greatly after we arrived, so in the end I didn't feel too bad about arriving as late as we did.

There was one particularly funny sight that I saw that I really couldn't hardly believe, and I will probably laugh about it for years to come. A police officer for the county was using a slim-jim to break into his police cruiser! It was a riot. He spent probably 15-20 minutes working on trying to get into the driver's side door when he must have just gave up on it only to move on to the passenger side door to try it there. One of the older officers must have took pity on him, because he came over and popped that lock right away. Poor thing - the embarrassment. Walter commented that it really instills confidence in law enforcement when they have a hard time getting into their own vehicles!

The concert was FANTASTIC! The little area of the crowd where we were was really into it and it was fun. I even was able to take a few photos other than the officer and even this little video clip. It's not too bad considering it was night, no tripod and the crowd was hopping!

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