Saturday, September 5, 2009


Mom called me this evening around 7 p.m. to let me know that there was going to be a fireworks display at the reservoir. Sean and I hopped in the car and headed out to watch.

We started out over on Genito Road as the moon was coming up. I got this interesting shot of the moon rise. (I was using manual settings and made it a bit too bright. It looks too much like sunrise.)

When we realized that we were in the wrong location we hurried thru Woodlake to Hull Street. We arrived just in time to quickly settled in, across the street from Woodlake, in the McDonald's parking lot to watch. It was a great vantage point.

We got there just in time to enjoy the show. It ran about 15 minutes was nice. I got a number of photos and a video too!

Click Here For Firework photos

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