Sunday, November 12, 2006


Our Sunday school lesson this morning began us on about a three-week highlight of Islam. It is quite interesting. This morning the choir did a bit different by leading the congregation in a new song and then doing a special before the preaching.

Walter spent the afternoon with us. He and Sean spent about four hours playing Empire Earth. It took a long time for them to complete the scenario that they had set up.

Tonight's choir practice went well. Steve is trying to get Walter up in the choir, which according to Walter, "Isn't happening!" Who knows maybe after the first of the year and we are working on a different type of music.

Lilly has reached a puppy milestone today - she can now jump up on the sofa, and is beginning to start to come get me when she needs to go outside. Every day something different.

This morning started out as a rainy mess, by this evening it had turned into a wind storm. It almost feels as if the wind is 'blow drying' up all the moisture left by the rain earlier in the day. I know that the rain has been good for everything. We are beginning to get a bit worried with the strength of the wind and a few of the neighbors' dead trees. They are giving us cause for caution.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Thought for the Day: The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore. - Dale Carnegie

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