Thursday, November 9, 2006


Well, unless Senator Allen ask for a recount, it looks like we may be stuck with a Senator Webb for the next six years. Pout, pout. The news is sad....

Another surprise for the neighborhood this morning, a street sweeper has come through to get up all the left over rocks and debris from the slurry paving. Too bad they didn't let anyone know that they were coming so that vehicles and basketball goals could be moved out of the way. The road really does look much better, but it could have been even better with just a little notification.

I've got an appointment for next Wednesday to visit with Miss Faith until her Mommy gets home from school. I'm excited about getting to see the little princess. I believe it has been almost two months since I've seen her and I know that she has grown so much.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Missed Bus

The new family in the neighborhood overslept, and their six-year-old daughter missed her school bus. The father, though late for work, had to drive her if she'd direct him to the school.

They rode several blocks before she told him to turn the first time, several more before she indicated another turn. This went on for 20 minutes - but when they finally reached the school, it proved to be only a short distance from their home.

The father, much annoyed, asked his daughter why she'd led him around in such a circle.

The child explained, "That's the way the school bus goes, Daddy. It's the only way I know."

Chicken Surprise

A couple goes for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and orders the "Chicken Surprise." The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast-iron pot. Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes looking around before the lid slams back down.

"Hey, did you see that?" she asks her husband.

He hadn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes looking around before it slams down. Sputtering in a fit of pique, he calls the waiter over, describes what is happening, and demands an explanation!

"Please sir," says the waiter, "what did you order?"

The husband replies, "Chicken Surprise."

"Ah... so sorry," says the waiter, "I bring you Peeking Duck."

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