Thursday, July 19, 2007


Alice and I had a great time at dinner last night. We headed off to Olive Garden right after work and had the opportunity to sit around and talk for about two hours. Great time.

I got back in and just basically goofed off for the rest of the evening. I didn't even turn the computer on last night at all. I did get to talk with Danielle though. She says everyone is doing fine. Faith was asleep, which is absolutely great for them that they have her going down at such a great hour. Ben is apparently also doing great with his summer job. I'm really happy for them. Glad that things are working out so well. They've even got their 2nd anniversary coming up next week.

This evening is going to be dedicated to doing laundry, oh so fun. But since I'm heading out this weekend with the boys to Bush Gardens I've got to do it tonight or it won't get done. Then I would really be in trouble.

We lost power here and at home at 3:30 p.m. Oops! I was in the middle of downloading a program for the office, doing some online work and pop, there went the power. After getting the server turned off and phones transfered to the night service. The power came back on at 4:45 p.m. I did manage to get off to Panera's to send a couple of emails that needed to go out before the end of day.

Walter and I cooked out on his gas cooking eye in his apartment for dinner. The rest of the evening was spent, well pretty much doing nothing much. I even went to bed early.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Thought For the Day: BUG, n:br An aspect of a computer program which exists because the programmer was thinking about Jumbo Jacks or stock options when s/he wrote the program. - Not Your Average Dictionary

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