Saturday, January 6, 2007


I was naughty this morning and took advantage of the day and slept to almost 10:30 a.m., that is something that I rarely do as my daily readers will be aware of.

Dean is contemplating heading out to Drewry's Bluff near Chester, to do a bit of historical walking. Which would be a really nice way to enjoy the unseasonably warm temperatures, it is already 66-degrees here and climbing. Downright hot for January.

We took the girls with us and let them get out for a good walk. Dean & Sean pose on the cannon with Lilly in the foreground. This is the massive cannon that is situated on the bluff that overlooks the James River. I can see how they held this position so well.

This is a panoramic of the Pocohontas Bridge that crosses over the James River. It over shadows the skyline of the city behind it.

The neighborhood fellows were able to get together this evening and have that bon fire they were trying to have yesterday. They even have better weather this evening for it. I took the girls out and they sounded like they were having so much fun.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

This one is really bizarre, but I tried it and it's true -

This is an interesting physiogical neurology anomaly that can help you have a phenomenal parlor trick at your next party.

Here are the steps:
  1. In a sitting position, lift your right foot off the floor and, then, make clockwise circles with it.
  2. While making circles, draw the number 6 in the air with your right hand.
  3. Your foot will change directions and there is nothing you can do about it.

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