Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sunday school was great this morning. We are off and going onto the next topic of Mormonism. The topic is going to be quite interesting. The choir did well this morning with our song, however, we are really going to have to learn to stand up together. It was funny that we couldn't get together, but it will get better.

Walt came by this afternoon and had lunch with us. Afterwards he and I drove around to a few car dealership so that he could "try on" some different kinds of vehicles. He's not in the market right now, but wanted an idea of what he should be looking for in the future. Turns out the best fitting vehicle is a GMS Silverado.

This evening at choir practice we got started on working on the music for the Christmas production - so our practices are beginning to run a bit longer than they usually have been. But then too, the choir is beginning to become an extended family of sorts. Everybody is working hard to be in prayer for one another there is so much going on with everyone. It is a great for the moral of the choir.

Quotes of the day:

  • It doesn't take a lot of skill to tear people down, but it is a real skill to build people up.
  • A girl is easy to get because the pattern is in front of you. - said by the father of lots of girls.

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