Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday - Spring Is Coming

The amazing event of the day!!! - Dad slept in this morning even thought it was a terrific morning, it seem that he just didn't want to get up and go out and listen for turkeys today. What a shocking statement from the mighty turkey hunter.

This morning I'm off to an IEP meeting at school with the boys before heading off to work. I'll be doing some video taping at some point today as well as continuing to work on a couple of large scale projects.

Email & Newsletter Gleanings:

Thought for the Day: “There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” - Henri Matisse

Something to Ponder: “How could this great land of plenty produce too few people in the last 30 years? Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention: We’re too few because too many of our babies have been killed. Over 45 million since Roe v. Wade in 1973. If those 45 million children had lived, today they would be defending our country, they would be filling our jobs, they would be paying into Social Security. Still, we watch as 3,700 babies are killed every single day in America. It is unbelievable that a nation under God would allow this.” —former Senator Zell Miller

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