Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Last night as I was seeing Walter off, our neighbor was spraying his crepe myrtle bushes with liquid sevin to annihilate the Japanese beetle population on them - he was finished up and offered the remaining to me to work on the mass of beetles that had accumulated on the birch tree in the front yard. Of course, I took him up on the offer - this morning I've been out looking for the little carcasses. I haven't found that many yet, but I am anticipating hundreds within the next day or two. I wouldn't even mind needing to rake them up - it will just mean that they are not going to reproduce more for next year.

Sean stayed from camp today - he had a really upset stomach. It seems like it is beginning to improve. I do believe for he continues to progress at this rate he'll be back at camp tomorrow. As you can see he really has improved! Here he is practicing his fire escape plan. I don't think he'll have any trouble making it out if it were necessary.

As for other than watching for the destruction of the beetle population, I have started painting the porta-crib a lovely amaryllis white. I have the first coat applied and hope to get the second on a bit later this afternoon.

I did a bit of plant shuffling on the deck and I have it possible to completely hide the "great gray thing" from site of the kitchen window by moving the planter of herbs in that direction. I also moved one of the pots of petunias so it helps to block it from view from the family room.

I finished up work on the crib this afternoon and I do believe that it turned out nicely. It is all decked out with the baby quilt that I made before Walter was born, so now it has all of the children's and grandchild's name embroidered on it with their dates of birth. Someday it may just have great-grandchildren's names as well.

We headed out this evening to pick up items for Sean to wear at camp tomorrow for their "Blast From the Past" Day. He has a 70's shirt and pants. I do believe that he'll look quite snazzy. Perhaps he'll let me get a photo of him before he leaves in the morning.

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