Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wonderful Wednesday

Mom took this on Walter's birthday, and sent it to me today, as you can see Walter is towering above us all and both of the guys are using me as an armrest. Me with my typical coffee cup and camera. Fun!

Sean all decked out in his 70's outfit for the "Blast From the Past Day" at camp. The outfit reminds me of the "Brady Bunch". I hope that he will have a fantastic day and really enjoy the activities that they have planned for them today.

Miss Cassie arriving for our "Girls Day"... We have lots of things that we want to do: manicure, pedicure, using the hot rollers and such thing. I know that we are going to have a great time.

We have painted our nails a lovely shade of burgandy and added little pink flowers to Cassie's to perk them up. We even painted pink flowers on her big toes!

After lunch we are going to watch a little television and then do some hair styling. Cassie's hair was really fun to do. She was such a helper getting the rollers together.

After we finished with her hair we ran a couple of errands and were lucky enough to find some blackberries ripe, right next to one of the parking lots that we passed through. We picked just enough for a small snack.

When Alice came to pick up Miss Cassie, she could hardly recognize her. Her hair was so bouncy and fun.
Mysterious Egg

Cassie and I were watering the plants in the yard this morning when we saw this amazing egg in the yard. But much to our surprise it turned out to be a mushroom. So....we thought that we could have some fun with the mushroom and the surrounding plants.

Cassie was wondering if this was one of those mushroom like in the story of Alice in Wonderland, that would let you grow larger and smaller depending upon which side of the mushroom that you nibbled from.

Cassie arranged the black-eyed susans around the "egg" for a really neat looking composition, she thought that it looked like the egg was in a nest of flowers.

We played around with PhotoShop and came up with these two composites. One with the flower and scrambled eggs in the background and the other with the lone egg in the middle of the all those scramble egg plants.

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